My Daily Work Outs
Jan. 26, 2015
Jump Rope - 200 Jumps
Wall Squats 2 x 5
Body Squats 2 x 10
Hang Clean 135 x 6 / 185 x 6 / 225 3 x 6
DB Push Press 60 x 6 / 80 x 6 / 100 2 x 6
Single-leg Straight-leg KB Deadlifts 25# 3 x 8
Upright Rows 115# 3 x 8
Band TKE 3 x 12
Standing Med Ball Slam - Around head and to each side 8# 3 x 10
Cable Int./Ext. Shoulder Rotation 35#/45# 3 x 8
80 Hillclimbers / 1:00 Plank x 5
Dynamic Warm Up
5 Half-gassers @ 17s w/ 30s rest between - 2 min. break - 2 Half-gassers @ 17s w/30s rest
Jan. 24, 2015
Jump Rope - 200 Jumps
Squat to Press with 10# med ball 20 times
Med Ball Hi to Lo - Angled each way ankle to Overhead 10# 8 reps each way
Med Ball Around Head 10# 8 reps each way
Med Ball big circles squat and stand - sweep by ankles and up high overhead 10# 8 reps each way
Front Lunge and Press with Med Ball 10# 8 reps each leg
Side Lunge and Press with Med Ball 10# 8 reps each leg
Lazy Superman 8 reps each way
Full Superman 12 reps
Single-leg Leg Press Machine 100# 3 x 15
Single-leg Cable Curl 30# 3 x 10
Seated Row Machine 200 x 12 / 215 2 x 10
DB Curl 45# 3 x 8
Short Single-leg Leg Extension 40# 3 x 12
Single-arm Cable Rear Delt. 30# 3 x 8
Machine Preacher Curl 130# 3 x 12
Jan. 23, 2015
Close-grip Bench 135 x 10 / 225 x 10 / 275 x 6 / 295 x 6 / 315 x 6 / 345 x 4 / Feet Up 225 to fail - 19
Single-arm Reverse Tri. PD 80# 3 x 8
DB Bench 100 x 10 / 105 x 10 / 110 x 10
Machine Tri. Ext. 130# 3 x 10
Dual Fit Ball Push Ups 3 x 15
Jan. 22, 2015
Warm Up 25:00 Bike
Push Press DB 20# 30x work / 30s hold x 2 (2:00) rest 3 sets
Bosu Ball Single-leg Balance Drills 3 sets
Jan. 21, 2015
Warm Up 20:00 Bike
Jump Rope - 500 jumps
Squat to Press with 10# med ball 20 times
Med Ball Hi to Lo - Angled each way ankle to Overhead 10# 8 reps each way
Med Ball Around Head 10# 8 reps each way
Med Ball big circles squat and stand - sweep by ankles and up high overhead 10# 8 reps each way
Front Lunge and Press with Med Ball 10# 8 reps each leg
Side Lunge and Press with Med Ball 10# 8 reps each leg
Core - Single-Leg Hold 6 inches up while crunching/pushing chin to the ceiling 12 reps with each leg
Core - Toe Touches 12 reps
Core- V up with both hands to one leg 8 reps with each leg
Super Slow concentration Sit Ups x 10
Lazy Superman 8 reps each way
Full Superman 12 reps
Single-arm Squat Hold Cable Row 42.5# 2 x 10
Groin Machine 190# 10 reps + 30s stretch 2 sets
Hip Abductor Machine 130# 2 x 10
Short Leg Extensions 40# 2 x 12
Pull Ups 12 / 10
DB Straight-leg Deadlift 45# 2 x 10
Jan. 20, 2015
Jump Rope - 100 Jumps
Bench Warm Up 245# down to 65# up to 245# in 20# increments. 20 sets of 10 for time: 16:38
Max Push Ups 1 Min. work / 1 Min. rest x 3 45 - 31 - 31
Core - Platform Twists 3 x 100
Single-arm Overhead Cable Tri. Ext. 45 x 10 / 50 2 x 10
Pilate Sit Ups - 50
Jan. 19, 2015
Hang Clean 135 x 6 / 185 x 6 / 225 3 x 6
Push Press 135 x 6 / 185 x 6 / 225 2 x 6
Single-leg Straight-leg KB Deadlifts 25# 3 x 8
DB Upright Rows 50# 3 x 8
Band TKE 3 x 15
Lat. Cable Twist 37.5# 3 x 8
Rubberband Int./Ext. Shoulder Rotation 3 x 8
80 Hillclimbers / 2:00 Plank
Jan. 17, 2015
Warm Up 12:00 Bike
Single-arm KB Swings 35# 8 reps
3-Postion Lunge Holds DB 45# 30s each
Seated DB Military 65 x 10 / 75 x 10 / 80 x 10
Squat 135 x 10 / 225 5 x 10
DB Lat/Front Raises 25# 3 x 8/8
Single-leg Box Lower/Heel Touches 12" Box 3 x 15 each leg
Power Shrugs 275# 3 x 12
Single-leg Machine Leg Curl 100# 3 x 10
Core - 100 Floor Abs / 50 Russian Twists
Jan. 16, 2015
Close-grip Bench 135 x 10 / 225 x 10 / 275 x 6 / 295 x 6 / 315 x 6 / 335 x 6 / Feet Up 225 to fail - 18
Single-arm Rope Cable Overhead Tri. Ext. 27.5# x 10 / 32.5 x 10
DB Bench 100 x 10 / 105 2 x 10
Core - Special 30's 3 sets
Kneeling Rope Tri. PD 82.5# 3 x 12
Dual Fit Ball Push Ups 3 x 15
Core - 3:00 Planks
Jan. 15, 2015
Body Rows 4 x 10
Single-arm Muscleman Curls 32.5# 3 x 8
Machine Lat PD 170# 3 x 8
Core - Secured Russian Twists 25# Plate 3 x 50
Preacher Curls 85# 3 x 12
Rubberband 3-Way Rear Delt. 3 x 8 each way
DB Curl Hold/Twists 35# 3 x 50
TRX V-Ups/KneeTucks 3 x 10/10
Jan. 13, 2015
Bench Press 245# to 65# to 245# again in 20 # increments. 20 sets of 10 reps for time: 17:28
Push Ups 1 minute - max push ups / rest 1 minute / then repeat two more times - 3 total sets
Result: 47, 30, 27
Core - Platform Twists 3 x 60
Cable Tri. PD 82.5# 15 / 12 / 12
Jan. 12, 2015
Warm Up 7:00 Bike
Machine Seated Row 170# 3 x 10
Curl Bar Curls 95# 3 x 8
Assisted Pull Ups 40# 3 x 8
Core - Leg Crunches 3 x 12
Seated DB Curls 45# 3 x 10
Rear Delt. Machine 120# 3 x 10
Single-arm Cable Curls 70# 3 x 8
Jan. 10, 2015
Warm Up 13:00 Bike
3-Position Lunge Holds DB 45# 30s each
Hang Clean 135 x 6 / 185 x 6 / 225 3 x 6
Single-leg Freemotion Squat 100# 3 x 10
Lever Shrugs 315# 3 x 15
Squat Hold Single-arm Cable Row 57.5# 3 x 10
DB Squat to Press 50 X 10 / 55 2 x 10
Fit Ball Leg Curls 3 x 12
Rubberband 3-Way Rear Delt. 3 x 8 each way
Fit Ball Core
Jan. 9, 2015
Close-grip Bench 135 x 10 / 225 x 10 / 275 x 8 / 295 x 8 / 315 x 8 Feet Up 225 to fail - 14
Overhead Rope Tri. Ext. 82.5# 3 x 8
DB Bench Feet Up 100# 3 x 8
Single-Arm Cable Tri. PD 70# 2 x 10 / 80# x 10
Pec Fly Machine 220# 3 x 8
Tri. Ext. Machine 140# 3 x 10
Core - 100 Floor Abs
Jan. 7, 2015
Single-Arm KB Swings 40# 3 x 8
Walking Lunges DB 45# 3 x 16 steps each leg
Seated Military Press 135# x 10 / 155# x 8 / 175# x 6
Core - Leg Raise/Toe lift 3 x 12
Short Leg Ext. 50# 3 x 10
DB Upright Row 45# 3 x 8
Machine Single-Leg Curl 90# 3 x 8
Core - Leg Crunches 3 x 12
Jan. 6, 2015
Bench 135x10 / 225x10 / 245x9 / 265x8 / 285x7 / 305x6 / 325x5 / 345x4 / 365x3 / Feet Up 225 to fail - 16
Single-arm Chest Press Machine 80# 5 x 5 each arm superset with
Lying Med. Ball Chest Toss 20# 5 x 20
Overhead Single DB Tri. Ext. 75# 3 x 10
Core - Plank Hip Touches x 20 / Side Planks 30s each way / Side Crunches x 10 each way
Push Up Plank 30s 2 sets of each
Jan. 5, 2015
Bent Row 135# 3 x 10
DB Hammer Curls 45# 3 x 8
Chin Ups 3 x 8
Single-arm Cable Curls 60# 3 x 8
Rubberband 3-Way Rear Delt. 3 x 8 each way
DB Curl Twists/Holds 35# 3 x 50
Jan. 3, 2015
Close-grip Bench 135# x 10 / 225# x 10 / 275# x 8 / 295# x 6 / 315# x 6 / Feet up 225 to fail - 12
Lever Row 115# x 10 / 125# 2 x 8
Rope Cable Tri. PD 82.5# x 12 / 87.5# 2 x 10
Curl Bar Curls 85# x 8 / 95# 2 x 8
Fit Ball Crunch 4 x 25
DB Bench w/ Feet Up 100# x 10 / 105# x 8 / 110# x 6
Lat PD 175# 3 x 8
Single-arm Machine Preacher Curl 75# x 8 / 65# 2 x8
Machine Tri. Ext. 120# x 10 / 130# 2 x 10
Planks 3 x 1:00 w/ 20s rest between
Jan. 2, 2015
Warm Up 2:00 Bike
Freemotion Squat Warm Up 10 sets of 10 with 1:30 rest between sets @ 300#
Push Press with 20# DB 30s Work / 30s Hold x 2 (2:00) rest 2 sets
Dec. 30, 2014
Bench Press Warm Up Max Reps @ each weight: 225# - 30s rest - 185# - 30s rest - 135#
3 sets of this with 5:00 rest between sets. Results: 33 - 11 - 12 / 14 - 10 - 12 / 12 - 10 - 12
Rope Overhead Tri. Extention 72.5# 8/10/10
Core - Leg Raise/Toe Lift 3 x 15
Kneeling Rubber band Speed Tri. PD 3 x 50
Dec. 29, 2014
Seated Row 170# x 10 / 180# x 8 / 180# x 8
DB Twist Curl 45# 3 sets of 10
Dual Cable Lat PD 80# 3 sets of 8
Rope Tri. Curl 62.5# 3 sets of 8
Machine Rear Deltoid 130# 3 sets of 10
Machine Preacher Curl 120# 3 sets of 10
Core - 100 Floor Abs
Dec. 20, 2014
Warm Up 5:00 Bike
3-Position Lunge Holds DB 45# 30s each position
Squat 135# x 10 / 225# x 15 for 5 sets
Lever Row 135# 3 sets of 8
Machine Preacher Curl 130# 3 sets of 8
Core - Leg Extentions / Crunches 3 sets of 15
Cable Hammer Curl 3 sets of 15
Dual Cable Lat Pull Down 80# x 10 / 87.5# x 8 for 2 sets
Single-Arm Cable Curl 60# 3 sets of 8
Core - 100 Floor Abs
Dec. 18, 2014
Close-Grip Bench 135# x 10 / 225# x 10 / 275# x 8 / 295# x 8 / 335# x 8
Straight Bar Tricep Push Down 87.5# x 12 / 97.5# x 10 / 97.5# x 10
Dual Cable Chest Press 80# 3 sets of 10
Machine Shoulder Press 190# 3 sets of 8
Single-arm Cable Reverse Tricep Push Down 32.5# 3 sets of 10
Dual Fit Ball Push Ups 3 sets of 15
Dumbbell Upright Rows 45# 3 sets of 8
Dec. 16, 2014
Warm Up 7:00 Bike
Kettle Bell Single-Arm Swing 40# 3 sets of 8 each arm
Squat to Press with 5# med ball 20 times
Med Ball Hi to Lo - Angled each way ankle to Overhead 5# 8 reps each way
Med Ball Around Head 5# 8 reps each way
Med Ball big circles squat and stand - sweep by ankles and up high overhead 5# 8 reps each way
Front Lunge and Press with Med Ball 5# 8 reps each leg
Side Lunge and Press with Med Ball 5# 8 reps each leg
Core - Single-Leg Hold 6 inches up while crunching/pushing chin to the ceiling 12 reps with each leg
Core - Toe Touches 12 reps
Core- V up with both hands to one leg 8 reps with each leg
Super Slow concentration Sit Ups x 10
Lazy Superman 8 reps each way
Full Superman 10 reps
Single-leg Leg Press 110# 3 sets of 12
Fit Ball Triple Threat 3 sets of 8s
Triple Threat - Back on floor with feet on the fit ball. 1st do straight-leg hip raises with feet on top of the ball. Then do ball hamstring curls. Then do bent-leg hip raises with feet midway between the top and side of the ball. 7 reps of each exercise per set.
Single-Leg Box Step Downs/Toe Touches 20" Box 3 sets of 12 each leg
Stand on box with 1 leg, while slowly lowering the other leg down until you lightly touch your toe on the ground, then slowly raise to stand straight again. Don't push off the ground with lowering foot.
Single-leg Bosu Ball Balance exercises 3 sets
Stand on Bosu Ball with 1 leg and balance while passing a med ball around your back, and around each leg.
Core - Planks alternate 50 seconds front, 25 seconds left, 25 seconds right x 2
Dec. 15, 2014
Dumbbell Push Press 20# 30 seconds work / 30 seconds hold arms straight up x 2
(so 2:00 to do the whole thing) rest then repeat the series again (another 2:00 set)
Max Push Ups 1 minute work / 1 minute rest x 3 (so 5:00 or 6:00 if you count last rest period)
Result: 50 reps - 35 reps - 30 reps
21s on Bench Press 135# 5 sets with 1 minute rest between each
21s - 21 total reps. 1st 7 reps are only half-way up, 2nd 7 reps are only half-way down, last 7 reps are full reps.
Earthquake Bench Press 35# Kettle bells 3 sets of 15
Earthquake Bench - Bench Press using a wooden or bamboo bar with Kettle bells hanging from each end by rubber bands. The bar will shake all over, and the objective is to minimize the shaking, using auxiliary and stabilizing muscles.
Dec. 12, 2014
3-Position Lunge Holds 40# Dumbbells Hold 30 sec. left / 10 sec. rest / Hold 30 sec. right
1st position is full lunge, with back knee an inch or two off the ground. Rest 60-90 sec.
2nd position is in the middle, half lunge. Rest 60 sec.
3rd position is with front knee just slightly bent.
Hang Clean 135# x 6 / 185# x 6 / 225# x 6 / 225# x 6 / 225# x 6
Machine Shoulder Press 170# x 10 / 190# x 10 / 210# x 10
Single Dumbbell Bulgarian Squat (feet on 2 benches) 110# 10x / 12x / 12x / 12x
Dumbbell Lateral Raises 25# 3 sets of 10
Leg Curl Machine 100# 3 sets of 10
Lever Shrug Machine 315# 3 sets of 15
Single-leg Leg Extensions - short range of motion (from slightly bent to straight) 40# 3 sets of 12
100 Floor Abs
Dec. 11, 2014
Close-Grip Bench 135# x 10 / 225# x 10 / 275# x 8 / 295# x 8 / 335# x 8
Over Head Rope Tricep Extension 82.5# x 10 / 87.5# x 8 / 87.5# x 8
Cable Chest Press Machine (wide) 220# x 8 / 230# x 8 / 230# x 8
Tricep Extension Machine 120# x 10 / 140# x 8 / 140# x 8
Pec Fly Machine 210# 3 sets of 8
Rope Tricep Push Down 90# 3 sets of 8
Dec. 9, 2014
Warm Up Bike 5:00
Over-Head Squat 45# x 10 / 75# x 10 / 95# x 9 / 115# x 8 / 135# x 7 / 155# x 6 / 175# x 5 / 175# x 5 / 175# x 5
Barbell Alternating Lunges 135# 5 reps each leg superset with
Split Jumps (max effort) 20 jumps repeat 4 times (so 5 sets)
Dumbbell Shoulder Complex 45# Upright Row x 8 / Standing Military x 12 / Shrugs x 15 3 sets
Core - 45 second Plank / Side Crunches x 15 each side / Leg Extension-Crunches x 15 / Side Plank 30 seconds each side do this series twice
Dec. 8, 2014
Dumbbell Push Press 20# 30 seconds work / 30 seconds hold arms straight up x 2
(so 2:00 to do the whole thing) rest then repeat the series again (another 2:00 set)
Max Push Ups 1 minute work / 1 minute rest x 3 (so 5:00 or 6:00 if you count last rest period)
Result: 46 reps - 35 reps - 31 reps
21s on Bench Press 135# 5 sets with 1 minute rest between each
21s - 21 total reps. 1st 7 reps are only half-way up, 2nd 7 reps are only half-way down, last 7 reps are full reps.
Earthquake Bench Press 30# Kettle bells 4 sets of 15
Earthquake Bench - Bench Press using a wooden or bamboo bar with Kettle bells hanging from each end by rubber bands. The bar will shake all over, and the objective is to minimize the shaking, using auxiliary and stabilizing muscles.
Dec. 6, 2014
35 minutes on the Bike
Single-Leg Leg Press 90# 3 sets of 20
Dec. 5, 2014
Close-Grip Bench 135# x 10 / 225# x 10 / 275# x 8 / 295# x 8 / 315# x 8
Tricep Skull Crushers 105# 3 sets of 10
Lever Chest Press Machine (Wide) 220# 3 sets of 8
Single-Arm Reverse Tricep Push Down 80# 3 sets of 8
Dual Fit Ball Push Ups 15 / 15 / 20
Balance your feet on one fit ball and your hands on another fit ball and do push ups
Dumbbell Over Head Tricep Extension 35# x 8 / 30# x 8 / 30# x 8
Dec. 4, 2014
Pull Up Ladder 1 to 5 (how to do ladder: do 1 rep, wait time 1 rep takes, then do 2 reps, wait time 2 reps
takes, do 3 reps, wait time 3 reps takes, and so on up to 5)
Dumbbell Rows 80# x 8 / 85# x 8 / 90# x 8
Curl Bar Curls 95# 3 sets of 8
Core - Leg Raise/Feet Up 3 sets of 15
Preacher Curl 140# 3 sets of 10
Dual Cable Close Lat Pull Down 65# x 10 / 72.5# x 10 / 80# x 10
Rope Cable Curls 72.5# 3 sets of 10
Rear Delt. Machine 130# 3 sets of 8
Dec. 2, 2014
Jump Rope 3 sets of 50 super set with
Rubberband Rear Delt. 3 sets of 12
Squat to Press with 5# med ball 20 times
Med Ball Hi to Lo - Angled each way ankle to Overhead 5# 8 reps each way
Med Ball Around Head 5# 8 reps each way
Med Ball big circles squat and stand - sweep by ankles and up high overhead 5# 8 reps each way
Front Lunge and Press with Med Ball 5# 8 reps each leg
Side Lunge and Press with Med Ball 5# 8 reps each leg
Rubberband Internal/External/Rear Rotation 10 reps each way
Core - Single-Leg Hold 6 inches up while crunching/pushing chin to the ceiling 12 reps with each leg
Core - Toe Touches 12 reps
Core- V up with both hands to one leg 8 reps with each leg
Super Slow concentration Sit Ups x 10
Lazy Superman 8 reps each way
Full Superman 10 reps
Body Rows Max Reps 17 / 15 / 15 superset with
Dumbbell Lateral Raise/Front Raise 17.5# 3 sets of 10
Kettle Bell Hammer Curls 25# 3 sets of 8
Wide Lat Pull Down 170# 3 sets of 8
Cable Curl Max Reps 40# x 19 / 35# x 16 / 30# x 16
Core - Floor Abs 100 reps (Sit ups, Single-Leg Crunches, Toe Touches, Leg Raises, In n outs, V ups, etc)
Dec. 1, 2014
Dumbbell Push Press 20# 30 seconds work / 30 seconds hold arms straight up x 2 (so 2:00 to do the whole thing) rest then repeat the series again (another 2:00 set)
Max Push Ups 1 minute work / 1 minute rest x 3 (so 5:00 or 6:00 if you count last rest period)
Result: 50 reps - 33 reps - 30 reps
21s on Bench Press 135# 5 sets with 1 minute rest between each
21s - 21 total reps. 1st 7 reps are only half-way up, 2nd 7 reps are only half-way down, last 7 reps are full reps.
Earthquake Bench Press 30# Kettle bells 3 sets of 15
Earthquake Bench - Bench Press using a wooden or bamboo bar with Kettle bells hanging from each end by rubber bands. The bar will shake all over, and the objective is to minimize the shaking, using auxiliary and stabilizing muscles.
Nov. 29, 2014
Warm Up Bike 7:00
Single-Arm Kettle Bell Swings 40# x 8
Single-Leg Leg Press 110# 4 sets of 8
Dumbbell Row 85# x 8 / 95# x 8 / 95# x 8
Machine Preacher Curls 100# x 10 / 100# x 10 / 110# x 10
Dumbbell Walking Lunges 45# 3 sets of 16 steps
Neutral Grip Pull Ups 3 sets of 10
Fit Ball Triple Threat 3 sets of 7s
Triple Threat - Back on floor with feet on the fit ball. 1st do straight-leg hip raises with feet on top of the ball. Then do ball hamstring curls. Then do bent-leg hip raises with feet midway between the top and side of the ball. 7 reps of each exercise per set.
Dumbbell Twist Curls 45# 3 sets of 10
Core - 45 second Plank / Side Crunches x 15 each side / Leg Extension-Crunches x 15 / Side Plank 30 seconds each side do this series twice
Nov. 28, 2014
Superset the following exercises 10 sets of each exercise for time (i.e. go fast!!)
Close-Grip Bench 225# x 10
Standing Barbell Military 95# x 10
Over-Head Rope Tricep Extension 70# x 10
Core - Leg Raise/Feet Up x 12
Time: 47:30
Nov. 26, 2014
Free motion Squat Machine 300# 10 sets of 10 with 90 seconds rest between sets
Nov. 25, 2014
1-Hour Regenerative Yoga
Bench Press 255# x 10 superset with Push Up + x 10 with 2:45 rest between sets - 7 sets
What is a Push Up + ? At the bottom of each push up, rest chest on the ground and extend both arms to the side until they are straight out, bring back in and push up.
Rubber band Speed Tricep Push Down 3 sets of 40
Nov. 24, 2014
Seated Row 160# x 10 / 170# x 8 / 170# x 8
Dumbbell Curl 45# 3 sets of 8
Core - Leg Raises 3 sets of 15
Dual-Cable Close Lat Pull Down 160# 3 sets of 8
Curl Bar Curls 85# x 8 / 95# x 8 / 95# x 8
Rear Delt. Machine 130# 3 sets of 8
Machine Preacher Curls 145# x 10 / 145# x 10 / 115# x 20
Nov. 21, 2014
Lever Row 115# x 8 / 135# x 8 / 135# x 8
Cable Curl-Straight Bar 140# 3 sets of 8
Wide Lat Pull Down - Behind Head 140# x 8 / 130# x 8 / 130# x 8
Core - Leg Crunches 3 sets of 15
Machine Preacher Curls 155# x 10 / 160# x 8 / 160# x 8
Bent over Dumbbell Rear Flys 22.5# 3 sets of 8
Kettlebell Hammer Curls 25# 3 sets of 10
Core - Hands on Platform with feet on Ab Roller 3-Way V Ups 6 reps each way (18 total) for 3 sets
Nov. 20, 2014
Jump Rope 2 sets of 50
Kneeling on all Fours - Every direction Hip warm up
Full Dynamic Movement Calisthenics Warm Up - 20 yards
(High Knees, Butt Kickers, Karaoke, Walking one-leg quad stretch, walking hamstring stretch
A-skip, B-skip, lateral A-Skip, A-Skip transition to run, forward hip dislocates, reverse hip dislocates)
Med Ball Full body toss 20# 2 sets of 7
Stand and lower med ball between ankles, then explode upwards and forwards and toss ball as
high and far as possible.
Prowler Sled Pulls about 100# 5 sets of 20 yards full sprint
10 yard get offs (10-yard full sprint from 3-point stance) 4 sets with good rest between
48-inch box jumps 3 sets of 6
Dead Lift 225# 3 sets of 4
Single-Leg Bulgarian Squats 35# kettle bells 3 sets of 9 with each leg
Rubberband TKE 3 sets of 9 with each leg super set with
Rubberband Hip Thrusters 3 sets of 9
Nov. 18, 2014
Jump Rope 3 sets of 50 super set with
Rubberband Rear Delt. 3 sets of 12
Squat to Press with 5# med ball 20 times
Med Ball Hi to Lo - Angled each way ankle to Overhead 5# 8 reps each way
Med Ball Around Head 5# 8 reps each way
Med Ball big circles squat and stand - sweep by ankles and up high overhead 5# 8 reps each way
Front Lunge and Press with Med Ball 5# 8 reps each leg
Side Lunge and Press with Med Ball 5# 8 reps each leg
Core Ball slams (no legs involved) 20# 12 reps
Angled Core Ball slams - from side of head to slam by foot (no legs involved) 20# 10 reps each way
Rubberband Internal/External/Rear Rotation 10 reps each way
Core - Single-Leg Hold 6 inches up while crunching/pushing chin to the ceiling 12 reps with each leg
Core - Toe Touches 12 reps
Core- V up with both hands to one leg 8 reps with each leg
Kneeling elbow to opposite knee and extend 10 reps each way
Spine Twists - kneel with Elbow to knee and then to the ceiling 10 reps each arm
Lazy Superman 8 reps each way
Full Superman 10 reps
Med Ball Single-arm Push Ups 10 reps with each arm
Floor Dumbbell Bench Press Warm Up / 90# x 8 / 100# x 8 / 100# x 8 super set with
Med Ball Catch and Chest Press 20# 6 reps for 3 sets
Lie on back on floor below a bench. Someone drops the Med Ball over your chest - you catch it and
explosively press/throw it back up to them to catch. Repeat.
Cable Body Rows with feet on stool 3 sets of Max reps results: 15 / 17 / 15 super set with
Lateral / then Front Dumbbell Raises 15# 3 sets of 8 (each way)
Prowler Sled Push about 100# 9 sets of 20 yards at about 75%
Nov. 17, 2014
Hang Clean 135# x 6 / 185# x 6 / 225# x 6 / 225# x 6 / 225# x 6
Barbell Bent Rows 135# x 10 / 155# x 10 / 155# x 10
Dumbbell Twist Curls 50# x 8 / 45# x 8 / 45# x 8
Core - Russian Twists 45# plate 30 reps / 40 reps / 40 reps
Dual-Cable Lat Pull Down 160# x 8 / 180# x 8 / 180# x 8
Rope Cable Curl 80# 3 sets of 8
Core - Hanging Leg Raises 3 sets of 12
Rear Delt. Machine 130# 3 sets of 10
Rubberband speed Curls 3 sets of 20
Nov. 15, 2014
Warm Up Bike 7:00
Single-Arm Kettle Bell Swings 30# 2 sets of 8 each arm
Clean Complex 185# 4 reps each movement for 4 sets
Shrug - Clean Hi Pull - Front Squat
Dual Lever Leg Press 275# x 6 / 365# x 15 / 435# x 15 / 435# x 15
Seated Dumbbell Military Press 65# x 10 / 75# x 8 / 85# x 8
Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curl 45# 3 sets of 10
Single-Leg Curl Machine 90# 3 sets of 10 each leg
Dumbbell Upright Row 45# 3 sets of 10
Single-leg box lowers/heel touches (12-inch) 3 sets of 15 each leg
Stand on the edge of a 12-inch box and lower one foot down, tap your heel and squat back up
Core - Floor Abs 200 reps (Sit ups, Single-Leg Crunches, Toe Touches, Leg Raises, In n outs, V ups, etc)
Nov. 14, 2014
3-Position Push Up Holds 30 sec. with chest couple inches off ground / rest 10 sec. / 30
sec. half-way up / rest 10 sec. / 30 sec. up, with elbows slightly bent
DB Bench Press 60# then 45# then 30# with no rest between. Max reps @ each weight (capped at
20 though) / rest 1 min. / then repeat same / rest 1 min. / repeat same for 3rd time
Result: 20 - 20 -20 / 17 - 12 - 20 / 12 - 10 - 20
Pull Up Ladders first is 1 to 5 / second is 5 to 1 (how to do ladder: do 1 rep, wait time 1 rep takes, then do
2 reps, wait time 2 reps takes, do 3 reps, wait time 3 reps takes, and so on up to 5)
Fit Ball Push Ups (hands on Fit ball, feet on bench) 20 reps / 18 reps / 18 reps
Core - Leg Raises 3 sets of 15
DB Rows 80# x 8 / 85# x 8 / 90# x 8
Core - Toes Ups 3 sets of 20
Single-Arm Cable Tricep Push Down 80# x 10 / 90# x 8 / 90# x 8
Nov. 12, 2014
Warm Up Bike 7:00
3-Position Lunge Holds 40# Dumbbells Hold 30 sec. left / 10 sec. rest / Hold 30 sec. right
1st position is full lunge, with back knee an inch or two off the ground. Rest 60-90 sec.
2nd position is in the middle, half lunge. Rest 60 sec.
3rd position is with front knee just slightly bent.
Back Squat Warm Up 225# x 15 for 4 sets
(Squatting is one of the best, if not the best, all around exercises. However, I don't believe in
squatting heavy, at least not for athletes. Too much strain on the knees, and very few people have
the form needed to mitigate that.)
Standing Barbell Military Press 135# x 8 / 155# x 8 / 155# x 8
Fit Ball Hamstring Curls 4 sets of 15
Core - Hi to Lo Cable Trunk Twist 80# x 8 for 3 sets, left and right
Lever Shrugs 275# x 20 / 315# x 15 / 365# x 15
Single-Leg Bulgarian Squats 40# Dumbbells 3 sets of 8, each leg
Dumbbell Lateral Raises 25# x 10 for 3 sets
Sled Push on turf 270# for 40 yards 3 sets
Nov. 11, 2014
Bench Press 245# to 65# to 245# again in 20 # increments. 20 sets of 10 reps for time: time was 19:02
Warm up, then put ten 10# weights on each side of the bar - so 245#
Do 1 set of 10 reps, then remove a 10# from each side (225#) and do another set of 10
Repeat this process all the way down to one 10# (65#), which you do for two sets of 10
Then add a 10# and head back up to 245#. In all, it will be 20 sets of 10 reps, with 2 total
sets at each weight. The whole routine is done for time.
Push Ups 1 minute - max push ups / rest 1 minute / then repeat two more times - 3 total sets
Result: 55 push ups, 30 push ups, 25 push ups
Core - Hands on twisty platform w/ feet on Ab Roller - V Ups 3 sets of 16
Over head Rope Tricep Extensions 75# x 10 for 3 sets
Dual Cable Chest Press Machine 65# on each side 10 reps / 8 reps / 8 reps
Core - Planks (Push up position) 1 min. hold / rest 30 seconds / 1 min. hold / rest 1 min./ 1 min. hold
Nov. 10, 2014
Hang Clean 135# x 6 / 185# x 6 / 225# x 6 / 225# x 6 / 225# x 6
Seated Row 160# x 8 / 175# x 6 / 175# x 6
Curl Bar Curls 85# x 8 / 95# x 8 / 95# x 8
Core - Overhead secured Leg Crunches 3 sets of 15
Chin Ups - to failure 18 reps / 11 reps / 9 reps
Single-Arm Preacher Curls (Machine) 50# x 8 for 3 sets
Cable Crunch Machine 3 sets of 15
3-Way Rubber band Rear Delt. 8 reps each way (24 reps) for 3 sets
Single-Arm Cable Curl 45# x 8 / 45# x 8 / to failure: 30# x 22
RT @RobProvince: This pic.....